Family Health Support
Community Based Organization
e-mail: info[at]
P.O.BOX, 37504, KAMPALA (U).

“Empowering families manage their Health through sustainable livelihoods”





Time Frame: OCTOBER 2009- OCTOBER 2010

Summary Sheet


  • Uganda

  • Nabweru sub county, Kawempe Division

  • HIV/AIDS Awareness and Prevention.

Project Theme Be
  • “Young and Healthy” Initiative

Project period

Schools targeted:


Empowering families manage their Health through sustainable livelihoods

Schools targeted:
Table of Contents
1.1 Objectives of the project
1.2 Main Objective
1.2.1 Specific objectives
1.2.2 Expected outputs by 2010
1.3 Activities
1.4 Background
1.5 Objectives of the Child Development Program
1.6 Project Overview
1.7 Objectives of the project
1.7.1 Main Objective
1.7.2 Specific objectives
1.8 Activities
1.9 Strategy
1.10 Assumptions/ Risks
1.11 Organization and Administration
1.12 Organizational and Financial Sustainability
1.13 Monitoring, Reporting and Final Evaluation
1.14 Financial monitoring and Evaluation
1.15 Accounting and Auditing
1.16 Project Work plan
1.17.1 Objectives



ART ---> Anti-Retroviral Therapy
FHS ---> Family Health Support
KCC ---> Kampala City Council
CBO ---> Community Based Organisation
OVC ---> Orphans And Vulnerable Children
HIV ---> Human Immunodeficiency Virus
AIDS--> Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome


1.1 Objectives of the project:
1.2 Main Objective:
  • To encourage students to take responsibility for their lives by avoiding risky behaviors which could lead them to acquire HIV/ AIDS through emphasizing abstinence and faithfulness, elements of behavioral change among students as an approach to prevention of sexual transmission of HIV among school teenagers in Nabweru sub county.
1.2.1 Specific objectives:
  • Empowering students to be agents of social change through being role models, emulated by their fellow peers. This will involve empowering students to over come sexual temptations, cross generational sex, equip students with reproductive health skills and meaningful relationship techniques.
  • Capacity building in implementation of the Young and Healthy strategy as an approach to HIV/AIDS prevention through training teachers and students peer counselors in HIV/AIDS counseling.
1.2.2 Expected outputs by 2010
  • 8 teachers and 40 students’ peer counselors will be trained in HIV/AIDS counseling skills.
  • At least 8 straight talk volunteers’ clubs trained into HIV/AIDS sensitization music and drama groups.
  • 8 voluntary counseling and testing sessions in secondary schools and there Sero status will be determined. Students found to be HIV + will be referred to KCC Health Centre IV Kawempe for ART.
1.3 Activities:
  • FHS is to conduct sensitization assemblies in the 8 selected schools in years 2009-2010 these assemblies are meant to sensitize students (teenagers and ) on the dangers of cross generational sex, techniques of overcoming sexual temptations among school mates, reproductive health information, meaningful relationship techniques and the power of prayer to students.
  • Tree planting to officially launch the project in schools and this will include, electing HIV/AIDS Awareness posters and giving out T-SHIRTS to all the participants in the 8 schools in emphasis of the project theme Young and Healthy.
  • Setting up HIV/AIDS sensitization notice boards in all the 8 selected schools in collaboration with the school administration of all schools targeted. These notice boards will be utilized by the teachers and students peer counselors, the straight talk clubs to communicate to students the necessary information about any organized community activities by the FHS-CBO, and posting on interesting but educative articles and any other necessary information on HIV/AIDS prevention.
  • Training of 5 students’ peer counselors and 2 Teachers in HIV/AIDS counseling per school. Family Health Support will empower the student and Teacher counselors with skills of handling vulnerable and infected teenagers .
  • Empowering straight talk clubs through training them in HIV/AIDS music and drama, which together with FHS staff and Student peer counselors will be organizing timely outreach programs to the general community like churches and to fellow students in other schools in the community.
  • Video shows where students will be reached with abstinence and being faithful messages. These videos will portray experiences of risky behaviors engaged in by young people and thus leading to HIV/AIDS suffering and deaths. These videos will portray ways of overcoming sexual temptations and risky behaviors which can lead to HIV/AIDS.
  • Encouraging teenagers to undergo voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) and those proved to be HIV/AIDS positive will be referred to KCC Health Centre IV for Anti-retroviral Therapy (ART). 8 school music and drama competitions on the theme “Young and Healthy” where the winning school will be awarded a goat and 2 Trophies to the 2 best performing schools. In this activity, Certificates will be issued to all participating students.
1.4 Background:
  • Family Health Support is a registered Community Based Organization operating in Nabweru sub county, Kawempe division in Kampala district.The CBO was established in December 2008 with a Child Development Program which targets over 150 families. This program involves working with OVC’s (orphans and vulnerable children) due to HIV/AIDS, together with their families.
1.5 Objectives of the Child Development Program;
  • Physically (Health)/ Materially, CDP ensures that Children know how to live healthy and productive lives, through having their basic needs met (food, water, shelter and medical care) and also ensuring that Children are in good health and a good environment, Children appreciate work and are receiving enough attention from parents.
  • Intellectually /vocationally, children will, have a quality basic education and learning skills, Develop their special abilities (e.g. Vocational, musical, artistic analytical, sense of creativity, and beauty and become productive members of their community (serving not just themselves but also others.), children improve in their performance academically and ensuring that their families meet the children’s adequate school facilities like books uniforms lunch among others.
  • Socially/morally, children will, have a good character and good morals, live to help others as well as themselves; Children have biblical knowledge of morality. This was achieved by starting bible fellowships every Saturdays and Sundays with the children where the children are taught the biblical principles of life.
  • Emotionally, CDP will ensure that children Know and experience their great worth in God’s eyes, it also involves Counseling children so as to enable them experience affirmation and be safe from severe emotional and physical abuse, Children and parents have biblical knowledge of God’s ,demonstrating love to children in the community through organizing social interactions with them for example social outings, through monitoring to ensure Family responsibilities are shared among family members, encouraging parental care
Note: All these activities are carried out by Family Health Support Child Development Officers.

1.6 Project Overview:
  • The HIV /AIDS pandemic continues to take its toll on Ugandan society and is one of the key contributors to children’s vulnerability.
  • The 2005 National sero behavioral prevalence survey indicates that 6.4% of Ugandans aged 15-59years, an estimated population of 800,000 people are currently infected with HIV. It should be further noted that women are more likely to be infected than men: overall 7.5% women are HIV+, compared to 6.4% of men.
  • However, the greatest disparity in infection rates between women and men occurs in young people 15-24years of age, where young women (teenagers) are more than 4times likely to be infected as young men. Besides HIV prevalence is higher in urban areas (10.2%) than in rural areas (5.7%).There continues to be significantly higher vulnerability among young girls and women to HIV/AIDS, predominantly for socio cultural reasons that create gender inequalities.
  • According to the Sero- Behavior Survey (2004/05), the prevalence rates are higher in the central region (10.2% for women and 6.6% for men). This indicates that there is higher risk in the central region especially among the active age group between 15 – 49 years. Although the prevalence rates were seen to decline by 2005, the rates have stagnated now at 10% women and 7% for men for the central region. While this is true, the prevalence is higher among married couples which also calls for more efforts in empowering the community to communicate these prevention strategies emphasizing Abstinence and the sero – behavior survey also indicates that over 100,000 Ugandans acquired HIV infection every year. This means that who are positive and also not known their status continue to spread the infection. This is further emphasized by the UNAIDS report (2006) highlights that 50% of HIV positive people know their status. This means that there are those who are HIV positive but have never tested to know their sero-status.
  • Being the most sexually active age group and the most valuable, (15-24) years. The project seeks to massively sensitize against risky behaviors which could lead them to acquire HIV/AIDS, thus enable them live a healthy and productive life. The activities embedded in the FHS HIV/AIDS prevention project titled “Young and Healthy). AIDS awareness assemblies in secondary schools, training student counselors in HIV/ AIDS counseling skills, Training Straight talk clubs into HIV/AIDS awareness volunteer Drama clubs in schools, and organizing out-reach programs with these Straight talk volunteers’ AIDS awareness clubs to the general community members throughout the seven villages Nabweru sub-county. Students will be reached with Abstinence and Being faithful messages through trainings, video shows, music and drama shows in schools and community service programs, radio talk shows, IEC materials interpretation and distribution, on major health concerns, we shall be networking with KCC Kawempe Health Centre IV.

The first eight schools targeted by Family Health support in the first phase of the
project include;
1. Bilal Secondary School, Bwaise
2. Vision High School
3. St Francis Senior Secondary School
4. Kawempe Muslim Secondary School
5. Oxford High School
6. Kawempe Royal College
7. Kawempe Mbogo mixed SS
8. Pimbas SS,Bwaise

  • The Be “Young and Healthy” Initiative is a project newly established under the Child Development Program of Family Health Support. This Community Based project is targeting both primary pupils and secondary school teenagers through empowering them with HIV/AIDS prevention skills. The project is to be implemented in Nabweru Sub County, Kawempe division Kampala district. The organization will work with Kampala city council health centre IV Kawempe. The Community based organization offices are on five [5] miles Kampala Bombo road at the Seventh Day Adventist Church with our child development centre therein.
  • The “Young and Healthy” Initiative is established with the goal of “curbing the rampant spread of HIV/ AIDS among the young youth most especially the teenagers. This will ensure good health to the young people through a Holistic approach to health care that is physically, mentally, spiritually, socially and psychologically with an attempt to curb the spread of HIV/AIDS in schools.
  • The Project will serve a population of 40 schools in 5years,in kawempe division, targeting 8 schools per year, starting with Nabweru Sub County. The project is set to cover seven villages of Kazo-Angola, Ttula, Keti falaawo, Kirokole, Kawempe-Mbogo, Mpererwe, and Lugoba.
1.7 Objectives of the project

1.7.1 Main Objective:
  • To encourage abstinence and faithfulness through emphasizing the Young and Healthy strategy among teenagers as an approach to prevention of sexual transmission of HIV among school teenagers in Nabweru sub county.
1.7.2 Specific objectives:
  • Empowering students to be agents of social change through being role models, emulated by their fellow peers. This will involve empowering students to over come sexual temptations, cross generational sex, equip students with reproductive health skills and meaningful relationship techniques.f
  • Capacity building in implementation of the Young and Healthy strategy as an approach to HIV/AIDS prevention
Expected outputs by October 2010
  • 8 teacher and 40 student peer counsellors trained in HIV/AIDS counselling, and reproductive health skills. the 8 targeted schools.
  • 8 straight talk HIV/AIDS awareness volunteer drama groups trained for community sensitisation programmes. These groups will have timely outreach programmes together with FHS staff members and student peer counsellors.
  • 8 notice boards set up in schools as a channel of HIV/AIDS related information dissemination, these will be utilised by student peer counsellors and straight talk clubs. Expected outcomes by October 2010.
  • At least 5000 will be reached with HIV/AIDS prevention information through the assemblies, video shows, established notice boards and IEC materials from agencies like The Straight talk, AIC and TASO
  • At least 8 VCT’s conducted in schools where students will know their sero status, which in one way will influence their behaviours, as well as encourage positive living for those infected with HIV.FHS will work in partnership with KCC Health centre IV, to fulfil this activity.
  • At least 8 counselling rooms gazetted in the targeted schools after successful lobbying from the school authorities, to provide social, psycho therapy as well as HIV/AIDS counselling to students, these will be manned by the trained teachers and student peer counsellors, who will be acting as volunteers on behalf of FHS.
1.8 Activities
  • FHS is to conduct sensitization assemblies on the theme: Young and Healthy, in the 8 selected schools in year 2009-2010 these assemblies are meant to sensitize on the dangers of cross generational sex, and how to get out of such a relationship for those who are victims, techniques of overcoming sexual temptations among school mates, how to avoid situations which could lead to rape especially for the girls, reproductive health information, meaningful relationship techniques and the power of prayer to students.
  • Video shows where will be reached with abstinence and being faithful messages. These videos will portray experiences of risky behaviors engaged in by young people and thus leading to HIV/AIDS suffering and deaths. These videos will portray ways of overcoming sexual temptations and risky behaviors which can lead to HIV/AIDS.
  • Tree planting and setting HIV/AIDS Awareness posters in all the 8 schools in emphasis of the project theme “Young and Healthy”.
  • Training of 5 students’ peer counselors and 2 Teachers in HIV/AIDS counseling per school. Family Health Support will empower the student and Teacher counselors with skills in HIV/AIDS counseling, reproductive health skills.
  • Mentoring drama teachers who are to train Straight talk volunteer HIV/AIDS awareness music and drama groups in the 8 schools focusing on the theme “Young and Healthy.” These groups will communicate behavioral change messages on HIV/AIDS prevention in schools need to be initiated.
  • Encouraging students to undergo voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) and those proved to be HIV/AIDS positive will be referred to KCC Health Centre IV for Anti-retroviral Therapy (ART).
  • Setting up notice boards in all the 8 selected schools per year collaboration with the school administration of all schools targeted. These notice boards will be utilized by the student peer counselors and straight Talk volunteer drama clubs to communicate to students the necessary information about any organized community activities by the FHS-CBO, and posting on interesting but educative articles and any other necessary information on HIV/AIDS prevention
1.9 Strategy
  • FHS will seek permission from the school authorities where the HIV/AIDS sensitization assemblies will be conducted, video shows and also to allow us select one teacher and five students for training in HIV/AIDS counseling Where FHS will also lobby for space where trees to launch the project will be planted
  • FHS staff will lobby for space from the school authorities as to where notice boards will be placed in addition to sensitizing students on the would be role of such notice boards.
  • Mentoring drama teachers who are to train straight talk drama groups in the 8 schools focusing on the theme Be “SMART” initiative in preparation for the 8 school Drama competition.
  • Video shows where pupils and students will be reached with abstinence and being faithful messages. These videos will portray experiences of risky behaviors engaged in by young people and thus leading to HIV/AIDS suffering and deaths. These videos will portray ways of overcoming sexual temptations and risky behaviors which can lead to HIV/AIDS. ART.
  • Educating students on the importance of knowing ones sero status i.e. to enable them live responsible and focused life after VCT.
  • The main inputs for the Project implementation are;
  • Family Health Support will conduct steering committee meetings, technical committee meetings aimed at directing project activities so as to achieve the intended objectives of the project
  • Human resource
  • Technical assistance/consultancy
  • Equipment and materials
1.10 Assumptions/ Risks
  • A positive attitude from the students and community members regarding responsible living and HIV/ AIDS prevention
  • Support is expected from both division, donor agencies and the private sector
  • A committed steering committee which is purpose driven
  • Other HIV/AIDS prevention programmes in the division will complement the Young and Healthy Initiative.
  • Lack of commitment of stakeholders.
  • Delay in disbursement of project funds from donor agencies.
1.11 Organization and Administration
Program Administration
  • For effective and smooth running of the project activities, the project will continue to hire the offices of the project Coordinator, Programs officer, Accountant and the five counselors. The above are holders of the necessary academic qualifications with proven experience in conceptualization and implementation of HIV/AIDS Prevention Project activities.
The project coordinator
  • Will be the overall supervisor of project activities and answerable to the project steering committee which in turn reports to the organizational administration. Will be also answerable to the donor and other stakeholders interested in knowing the progress and the impact of the project in schools and the community. The project Coordinator will be the principle signatory to the project bank account.
The programs officer
  • Will be the secretary to the project technical committee, preparing work plans, activity monitoring and evaluation, preparing and compilation of weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual project progress reports. Will ensure that information regarding project progress is shared among the staff, community mobilizers and stakeholders during the monthly meetings.
The project accountant
  • The project accountant will ensure that financial statements are in accordance with the organizational accounting manual/donor’s financial guidelines. Will be responsible for keeping all books of accounts for the project, project asset register and ensuring that the office supplies inventory is updated from time to time. The project accountant will be responsible for ensuring that Project assets are used in accordance with the asset guidelines. Will prepare and present financial statement reports to the technical committee on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, finally an annual budget basis. Will be one of the signatory to the project bank account.
The five counselors
  • Will be responsible for sensitization campaigns through organizing and implementing counseling training seminars for students on HIV/AIDS prevention interventions, the counselors will also be responsible for voluntary counseling and testing [VCT]for students on HIV/AIDS in partnership with Kampala City Council Health Centre Kawempe.
  • The above team will be responsible for the execution of project activities, identifying the gaps and propose interventions through proposal development, lobbing and advocacy, putting forward sustainability plans of project activities beyond its life span
1.12 Organizational and Financial Sustainability
  • The project will utilize partnership and networking with stake holders including the KCC Health Centre IV, Kawempe as a referral centre, and agencies like straight talk foundation, for information dissemination to students on HIV/AIDS related issues. FHS staff and students peer trainers will on several occasions extend their HIV/AIDS sensitization
  • Routines to various sections of the community like churches.
  • The students peer counselors will organize yearly orientation weeks for senior one and six students where they will be counseled on responsible behavior to avoid HIV/AIDS FHS will lobby for an office in every school to be used by teachers and Student peer counselors so as to avail free counseling services to students.
  • The trained straight talk drama groups in HIV /AIDS sensitization will organize yearly out reach programs to the community
  • The 5*8 making a total of 40 trained student peer counselors and 8teachers will continue utilizing the Projector, HIV/AIDS Diskettes, laptop from FHS, project staff and documented information obtained from agencies like Straight Talk, AIC,TASO etc during the project life and beyond. This is because these structures are empowered with a self motivated, community based leadership.
  • Daily, the project staff will continue with some of the project activities due to their belonging and being regular workers of the project. All clients of the project i.e. Family Health Support [F H S] will be shown HIV/AIDS prevention videos at the centre and during the integrated school outreaches.
  • F H S will continue with its commitment to provide psycho-social counseling support to students in its office space and stipends [office supplies] as part of advocacy.
1.13 Monitoring, Reporting and Final Evaluation
  • The systematic recording using the data collecting tools developed and distributed by our project guidelines of FHS; periodic reporting of the project activities to general staff, technical committee, steering committee, school mobilizers and the project funders will be utilized to effectively discuss the best practices, learning experiences, challenges, coping mechanism, success stories and key recommendations for the subsequent quarters for lobbing, advocacy and information dissemination. The data captured will help the project to analyze data and monitoring whether the project plans are being achieved as scheduled and made from our outputs.
  • There will be weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual activity reports submitted to the project management board and a copy to the funder. These reports will be compiled by the programs officer and reviewed by the coordinator. Monthly technical committee, steering committee meetings every after two weeks, counselors’ and general staff meetings for effective communication and experience sharing and monitoring the progressive of project activities and presentation of work plans, discussions of project activities reports, spot field visits by key project staff and steering committee members will be emphasized.
  • Technical support supervision from Kawempe Health Centre and from other organizations will be utilized to equip the project staff with knowledge and skills to key project challenges and information sharing which will strengthen the network system for sustainability of the project activities beyond the project life.
1.14 Financial monitoring and Evaluation
  • The project will continue to make use of the accounting manual and financial guidelines from reputable organization and accounting associations in accordance to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the world, with the current discretion and segregation of duties among the staff in the accounting department. The project will also carry out an annual audit by an independent firm to give an opinion on the books of accounts, the project accounting systems and recommendations. Time sheets, receipts, payment vouchers, monthly bank statements, cash analysis, pay roll, monthly bank reconciliation, pro-forma invoices, requisitions, local purchase orders, activity report forms and other relevant support documents in accounting for project expense and activities will be used.
Monthly and quarterly financial reports coupled with fund requisition forms will be submitted in.
The project accountant will review from time to time the financial transactions for internal auditing.
1.15 Accounting and Auditing
  • The organisation will keep proper accounts for Project expenditure and activities in accordance with the requirements of our agencies. A detailed financial report will be prepared annually. Project accounts will be audited internally by FHS-ORG later by an external auditor.
1.16 Project Work plan
  • The work plan is illustrated below and shows the Project’s main objective, immediate objective, and outputs, activities along with objectively verifiable indicators, means of verification, possible assumptions and necessary inputs for the success of the Project.
Narrative Summary

Objectively Verifiable Indicators
Means of
Assumptions/ Risks

Main Objective

To encourage abstinence and faithfulness through emphasizing responsible living among as an approach to prevention of sexual transmission of HIV among in Nabweru sub county.

Number of Teachers and student peer counselors trained per school in HIV/AIDS counseling in HIV/AIDS counseling and therapy.
Number of students who will be reached with abstinence and being faithful messages through general assemblies/video
shows/inter school drama and debate competitions and use of notice boards.
Percentage of students/ reached out to with HIV/AIDS prevention strategies by the Straight talk volunteers and student peer counselors.

Percentage of students who have undergone voluntary counseling and testing (VCT).

Evaluation review weekly meetings held by the Executive. Reports submitted to the project steering committee and stakeholders.

A positive attitude from the students and community members regarding behavioural change on HIV/ AIDS prevention
Support is expected from both division, donor agencies and the private sector
A committed steering committee which is purpose driven
Other HIV/AIDS prevention programmes in the division will complement on behavioural change Champaign
Development partners and government will be supportive
Security and political stability in the area of operation.
Immediate Objective

Capacity building in implementation of the Young and Healthy strategy as an approach to HIV/AIDS prevention

• Number of Teachers and student peer counselors trained per school in HIV/AIDS counseling and guidance with therapy.
• Number of students participating in HIV/AIDS prevention campaign
• Number of teenagers in the schools capable of practicing abstinence and being faithful to their bodies, help change behaviors of their peers, therapy using the acquired knowledge and skills.

• FHS reports on school participation in prevention of HIV/AIDS

• We expect a positive attitude from the schools regarding HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness campaign
• HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention campaign still remains a government priority
Other development programmes in the division will complement HIV /AIDS campaign.
1. Teachers and Student peer counsellors being trained in HIV/AIDS counselling and therapy.
2. Mentoring drama teachers who are to train Straight talk members into volunteer HIV/AIDS awareness drama clubs the 8 schools focusing on the theme “Young and Healthy” Drama groups for music and drama shows to communicate behavioral change messages n HIV/AIDS prevention in the schools
• Activity reports
• Communities will be willing to participate in HIV/AIDS campaign
1. FHS is to conduct sensitization assemblies in the 8 selected schools in years 2009-2010 these assemblies are meant to sensitise students on the dangers of cross generational sex, techniques of overcoming sexual temptations among school mates, reproductive health information, how to avoid rape, meaningful relationship techniques and the power of prayer to .
  • Hiring 2 experienced trainers in HIV/AIDS counseling and prevention who will conduct the sensitization assemblies together with FHS Staff members. They will sensitize students on HIV/AIDS prevention strategies and respond to students’ questions and queries.
  • Video shows where pupils and students will be reached with abstinence and being faithful messages. These videos will portray experiences of risky behaviors engaged in by young people and thus leading to HIV/AIDS suffering and deaths. These videos will portray ways of overcoming sexual temptations and risky behaviors which can lead to HIV/AIDS.
  • Setting up HIV/AIDS sensitization notice boards in all the 8 selected schools per year collaboration with the school administration of all schools targeted.
2. Tree planting and erecting HIV/AIDS Awareness posters in all the 8 schools in emphasis of the project theme “Young and Healthy”
  • Buying 2 hoes.
  • 2spades
  • Setting up blended posters with strong HIV/AIDS prevention information, pointing to the project theme “Young and Healthy’’
3. Setting up notice boards in all the 8 selected schools per year in collaboration with the school administration of all schools targeted. These notice boards will be utilized by the Straight talk volunteer HIV/AIDS awareness clubs to communicate to students the necessary information about any organized community activities by the FHS-CBO, and posting on interesting but educative articles and any other necessary information on HIV/AIDS prevention.
  • Lobbying for space from the school authorities.
  • Sensitizing students on the would be roles of these notice boards in relation to HIV/AIDS prevention.
  • Materials like soft boards and glass.
4. Training of 5 students’ peer counselors and 2 Teachers in HIV/AIDS counseling per school. Family Health Support will empower the student and Teacher counselors with skills of handling vulnerable and infected and reproductive health skills.
  • Facilitators.
  • Venue hire.
  • Public Address system.
  • News print (1piece).
  • Markers/pens.
  • Note books.
5. Video shows where pupils and students will be reached with abstinence and being faithful messages. These videos will portray experiences of risky behaviors engaged in by young people and thus leading to HIV/AIDS suffering and deaths. These videos will portray ways of overcoming sexual temptations and risky behaviors which can lead to HIV/AIDS.
  • Projector and white screen.
  • Laptop
  • DVDs/ VCD s /CDs
  • Generator.
  • Fuel
6. Encouraging students to undergo voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) and those proved to be HIV/AIDS positive will be referred to KCC Health Centre IV for Anti-retroviral Therapy (ART).
  • Acquiring counselors.
  • Involving VCT .experts from Kawempe health centre IV and AIC.
  • Distributing “Young and Healthy” t-shirts.
Activity Workplan
(is read and would be published here soon.)

  1. Promotion of abstinence among students in school youths based approach to prevent sexual transmission of HIV in Nabweru sub-county
  2. Empowering students to be agents of social change through being role models, emulated by their fellow peers. This will entail straight talk HIV/AIDS prevention drama club students as well as student peer counselors.
  3. capacity building to implement HIV/AIDS prevention among teenagers

1.17.1 Objectives.

Objective I: To encourage abstinence and faithfulness through emphasizing the Young and Healthy strategy among teenagers as an approach to prevention of sexual transmission of HIV among school teenagers in Nabweru sub county.

  • School sensitization assemblies
  • School video shows
  • Tree planting,giving out t-shirts,Erecting posters
  • School music and drama competitions
The project will organize and hold an 8 school HIV/AIDS drama school competition in Nabweru Sub County where students in the schools will communicate Abstinence, Life skills and reproductive health skills during drama competitions. This will help to communicate the messages to students in the schools, teachers and also to parents who would attend the drama shows. This approach will help peers to reach out to their own peers with the appropriate messages which are easy and readily understood by the peers being targeted yet it will prepare the participants to be change agents in their schools and local community leading to a multiplier effect as peers will emulate the desired behaviors together with reduction of abstinence and stigma.
For its effectiveness and efficiency, teachers responsible for music, dance and drama in
Schools, HIV/AIDS awareness clubs, will be called in a preparation meeting where the project drama

Mentor will orient them on the HIV/AIDS prevention activities.
This is intended to empower students, teachers to support abstinence and reduce abstinence stigma.
The participants in the drama will be empowered to be role models for abstinence as agents of social change which will help to reduce stigma associated with abstinence as they graduate from secondary schools to the universities.

Awards including a goat, trophy, certificates of participation and certificates of merit will be given. A total of 8 schools will be targeted for the year. The participants will be given T-shirts with messages promoting abstinence as a way of avoiding sexual transmission of HIV among the school youths.

T-shirts also motivate these students and when they put them on they become a centre of Communication of HIV/AIDS strategies among their peers. T- Shirts encourage the bearer to be exemplary to others and to act as an agent for social change to his/her peers which leads to behavior change

Music, dance and drama by the school Straight Talk HIV/AIDS prevention drama groups which emphasize the Young and Healthy theme among teenagers, through saying no..,making right decisions,being assertive,being responsible for one’s decisions and actions and Thinking positively. This Initiative will create HIV/AIDS awareness in schools and thus enhance HIV/AIDS prevention among teenagers. The drama and music shows will portray the techniques of over coming sexual temptations among school mates, conflict how to avoid cross generational sex, reproductive health skills,meaningful relationship techniques and the power of prayer in the promotion of religious impact to students. The trained drama group members will be encouraged to integrate abstinence based values in promoting of HIV/AIDS prevention in their drama shows. After the shows the trained counselors, drama group members and their club patrons, and other youth leaders will be responsible for answering questions and myths that may arise out of these drama shows. The project will achieve the above by supporting drama activities through mentoring drama group members by a competent and qualified mentor with proven experience in the field of HIV/AIDS, who has worked with reputable organizations in Uganda in the same field. The project will also at this time, facilitate the drama group with transport fees (public means) whenever they are called to conduct music, dance and drama to other school if that group has proved to be performing better in portraying HIV AIDS information in Kawempe, Nabweru sub-county. An 8 school music, dance and drama competition will be conducted in the year

2009/2010.Music and drama shows help to convey HIV/AIDS prevention strategies on abstinence and being faithful (A&B) among students and married/ engaged couples when they are relaxed while enjoying to see the daily happenings in the communities being acted in the drama shows such that those who are affected and infected come to learn that they are not alone hence they get to know how they can be helped through this approach especially in reducing stigma and discrimination in schools.

During the drama shows testimonies from PHAs will be shared and Voluntary Counseling services will be offered in collaboration with the Kampala city council health centre in Kawempe together with a keynote address on A&B (Abstinence and being faithful) from a trained community own resource person. The drama group will also be facilitated with refreshments during their trainings and when conducting the shows.

The trainings for student counselors will be conducted once a week and shows will be every after a fortnight. In this case, secondary school competitions, the best songs, dance and drama in portraying the A&B based approaches and interventions in HIV/AIDS prevention will be documented/ recorded on DVDs/CDs for further use in the other schools.

Objective II: Empowering students to be agents of social change through being role models, emulated by their fellow peers. This will entail straight talk HIV/AIDS prevention drama club students as well as student peer counselors. these groups will reach out to schools and communities with drama shows and through community sensitization programs,as well as community service.

Objective III: capacity building to implement HIV/AIDS prevention

The project will strengthen the capacity of groups which include;student peer and teacher counselors, and structures such as The Straight Talk HIV/AIDS awareness volunteer drama clubs. This is because they have incredible opportunity for conveying prevention messages to the audience without much questioning for the rapid scaling up of HIV/AIDS messages in Nabweru Sub County.

These groups will be playing a good role in HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support through counseling and praying for the sick, medical care, they are trusted and respected by their fellow students in these schools hence reaching out to the most vulnerable students. Basing on this confidence, they are strategically placed to support and scale up access to HIV/AIDS prevention strategies through passing on behavior change messages using acquired knowledge from the trainings.



The project will utilize the 10 periodic field monitoring trips by the program officers,12 technical committee meetings, weekly steering committee meetings, 6 student mobilizers’ meetings and reports from various activities will be given to helping planning, implementation and monitoring of project progress.

This will be done through support supervision and reports to project funder, the division quarterly visits or at any time of their convenience and need. The reports will be adequately used during the planning and implementation of project activities. Besides the above-mentioned, project administration and stake holders will be involved in the external monitoring of the project. These will include; participatory schools and communities among others. The project specific supervision will be done through the following approaches; Spot on site supervision, activity implementation reports and team approach to service delivery where the supervisor works together with the implementation team. All stakeholders including the project steering committee, the division Health team among others. Project staff shall supervise activities on a daily basis while the steering committee and the school committees will make a monthly based supervision. Other stakeholders will supervise the project on quarterly basis or whenever need arises. These will ensure effective implementation of the project activities together with the beneficiaries’ focus group meetings in the project implementation areas.

The raised project funds will contribute 20% to the administration costs for providing office space, partial allowances for the current staff, payment of electricity and water bills, the projector and DVD player for facilitating students on HIV/AIDS prevention services though video shows and talks coupled with the experience gathered from the implementation of the previous HIV/AIDS prevention project.




Fuel costs: We have budgeted for 47 litres of fuel per month at a unit cost of
UGX 3300/= .This cost is based on market rate on fuel pump in the Kampala.

Operational costs
Air time for steering committee: We have budgeted UGX 150,000 per month for telephone /air time costs for a period of 11 months. This cost is based on current market rate of air time prices telecommunication companies.

Stationery: We have budgeted UGX 80,000/= per month for a period of 1 year this will include: papers, files, envelopes, headed papers, brochures, 2,500/= shillings per book publishing [on HIV/AIDS information] for 16,000 students once a year. .

Bank charges: We have budgeted to pay UGX 25,000 per month. This the average cost for ledger fees charged by commercial banks in Uganda.


Generator fuel: We have budgeted 5 litres of fuel at a cost of UGX 3300 to be used during every video show. This the average fuel consumed by the generator for 5 hours.

Vehicle hire: We have budgeted a cost of UGX 150,000 to be used during every video shows. This the average charge for vehicle hire for a days

Facilitator’s allowance: We have budgeted to facilitate 4 facilitators with UGX 20,000 each per day for 8 video shows in schools. This amount is enough for the time the facilitator will spend while showing as others interpret the videos.

DVD hire: We have budgeted 3000 Uganda shillings per DVD compacts.4DVDs per month over the 11months period. In kind from FHS

Preparation meeting for drama teachers (will be catered for by Family Health Support)
This meeting is meant to mentor these drama teachers on the theme “Young and Healthy” on which all drama activities will be centred. The drama will involve 8 schools competing with two schools crowned.
Each school will be required to present a play, song and folk polp emphasizing the theme “Young and Healthy”
Allowances for 8 MD Teachers:
These teachers will be given 100,000/=@ per month for training pupils and students in preparation for the drama competition. Their training however will be centred on the theme “Young and Healthy.”

Venue hire:
We have budgeted for shs 500,000/= to pay for a venue. Where the drama competitions will be conducted.

We have budgeted for 150,000/= to transport every drama group to the venue where the competitions will be held.. This will cater for 8 drama groups.

Adjudicators’ allowances: We have budgeted 200,000/= per person for 4 people for this activity (2males and 2females).

Lunch and Refreshments for the drama groups (15 per school,total of drama participants will be 120participants), teacher and student peer counselors (64), adjudicators (4), facilitators (4) and FHS staff (8):Their total number will be 200 people.
We have budgeted for 10,000/= per person
Refreshments for attendants:

We have budgeted for 1000 students and other attendants. We will offer 1 bottle of soda or mineral water to each at a cost of 700/=

Distribution of T-shirts:

We shall distribute 500 T-shirts to students each costing 15000/= @

Allowance for drama competitions facilitators: We have budgeted for 50,000/=@ for 4 people.

Procurement of trophies: We have budgeted 80,000/= for a goat( to a winning school) and 8 Glass notice boards to be used in disseminating HIV/AIDS information for the participating schools. Each costing

Printing of certificates: We have budgeted 3,000/= per certificate of participation/merit for each of the 20 certificates per quarter.

Public address system hire including hiring local instruments like drums and the like: We have budgeted 500,000/= for this activity.

Generator hire: We have budgeted for 80,000/=


Training workshop for 40 teachers
Fuel for mobilization of teachers: We have budgeted 28 litres at 3,000/= per litre in the first quarter.
Facilitators’ allowance: We have budgeted to hire 4 facilitators for the workshop. Each facilitator will be paid UGX 90,000 per day for 3 days, this is the average amount paid for workshop facilitation in Uganda.

Transport refund: We shall reimburse UGX 20,000 for transport by public means per day to each of the 25 participants; this is based on average transport by road.

Refreshments & Meals: We have budgeted UGX 10,000 for meals per person for 25 participants during workshop. These will include: break tea, lunch and water and evening tea.

Venue hire: We will pay 50,000 for hiring the venue per day for 3 days during workshop hours. This cost is based on prices charged by service providers.

Workshop materials: We have budgeted Ug shillings 250,000 for buying workshop materials. The workshop materials will include hard papers, cowries shell, glue, plain white cloths, paint, needles, wood, chisels and saws. Brush and these costs are based on the current market price.

Photocopying reference materials: We have budgeted 40,000/= UGX per day for 2 days.

Transport refund: We have budgeted 10,000/= for each of the 25 people per day for 2 days.

Training workshop for 25 religious leaders in churches and mosques

Fuel for mobilization of teachers: We have budgeted 28 litres at 3,000/= per litre in the first quarter.
Facilitators’ allowance: We have budgeted to hire 3 facilitators for the workshop. Each facilitator will be paid UGX 80,000 for per day for 4 days per quarter every, this is the average amount paid for workshop facilitation in Uganda.

Transport refund: We shall reimburse UGX 10,000 for transport by public means per day to each of the 25 participants per day for two days per quarter; this is based on average transport by road.

Meals and refreshments: We have budgeted UGX 10,000 for meals per person for 25 participants per day for two days every group every quarter during workshop. These will include: break tea, lunch and water and evening tea.

Venue hire: We will pay UGX 60,000 for hiring the venue per day for 3 days every quarter during workshop hours. This cost is based on prices charged by service providers.

Workshop materials: We have budgeted Ug shillings 150,000 for buying workshop materials per quarter. The workshop materials will include note books, pocket files, pens, flip charts; this cost is based on the current market price.

Photocopying reference materials: We have budgeted 30,000/= UGX per day for 2 days.


Monthly review meetings:

Refreshments and snacks: We have budgeted for 5,000/= per person for 20 people.

Field spot visit: We have budgeted for 10,000/= per visit for 2 officials.

Steering committee meetings:
Sitting allowance for committee members: We have budgeted 20,000/= Ug.Shs per person for 8 people.
Stationary for steering committee: We have budgeted 50,000/= per meeting for a period of 11 months.